Let's deep dive within
Trainings and Classes can be booked now online.
Pediatric Follow-Up or Quick Visit
30 min
55 Canadian dollarsAligning the Body
1 hr
110 Canadian dollarsFirst or longer appointment
1 hr 30 min
150 Canadian dollarsAlign with the tides
1 hr
150 Canadian dollarsFoundation Course
Starts Jun 19
795 Canadian dollarsContinuing education in dynamic spinal mobilisations
Starts Jun 24
530 Canadian dollarsContinuing Education Training working with infants
795 Canadian dollarsFormation Aquamassage (Surface)
795 Canadian dollarsAdvanced Aquamassage (Surface)
795 Canadian dollarsAquamassage (Underwater)
795 Canadian dollars60 min for Aquatic Therapies
1 hr
30 Canadian dollars
What to wear
Plan to wear or bring comfortable undergarmets for the session. Bra and underwear is ideal or some people prefer to wear shorts. For aquatic sessions you need to wear a bathing suit, and bring a towel, robe, toiletries. You will have a private changing area.
Prepare and Arrive
Arrive well hydrated. Plan to arrive 10 min before your session to use the bathroom before and fill out the provided forms if it's a first session. When the session is over please respect the length of time we agreed upon when booking.
Cancellation policy
100% of the session fee is charged when the session is cancelled within 24h for office sessions and 48h for aquatic sessions. If you need to cancel your appointment, you are responsible to do so via the confirmation e-mail sent to you when you booked the time. E-mail me if you are having any trouble doing this.
Payment and Directions
The fee is payable at the beginning of the session by cash or cheque. If you are paying by e-transfer, please send the payment before your session. I issue insurance receipts. The address and door code will be sent via e-mail reminders.
Warm Pools to Rent Around Montreal
For those looking to bring their practice to the water and are looking for what options there are to book a warm therapy pool (90-95 degrees celsius)
Spa Escale Santé
Indoor 'pool' (very small more like a hot tub). Note that this pool may not be for rent in regular hours (usuallly an hour before the spa opens). Contact
Montreal (Rosemont), QC
Jennie Anstey
Outdoor private pool (June-Sept). For sessions (half pool) or courses of 8-10 people (full pool).
You can book here.
Montreal (CSL), QC
Centre Sablon
Indoor public pool (rental is feasible for classes, but for private sessions it would be expensive). Inquire here
Montreal (Plateau), QC
Marianne Derycke
Outdoor pool (June -Sept). Marianne does Wataflow sessions and you can contact her (Marianne@pleinsoleil.club) to book for your therapeutic sessions.
Montreal (Plateau) , QC
Joanie Proulx
Indoor private pool for individual sessions or small groups of 4.
You can contact Joanie at Bulles.
Laval, QC
Indoor Float Pool for babies, which may have rental per hour options for private sessions.
Laval, QC
Jodie Duplisea
Indoor private pool for individual sessions or small groups of 4.
Jodie also works at Jennie's pool in CSL in the summer so you can book an Aquamassage session with her to recieve her magic. You can contact Jodie for more info.
Val David, QC
Marianne Siskind
Indoor pool (UV sanitized, so minimal chlorine) at 96 degrees availiable for rent for aquatic sessions. Possiblity to add an accomodation rental if needed.
Beloeil, QC
Sur les Toits du Monde
Indoor pool which is not normally heated to warm-water heat, but for a fee you can pay to have it heated for groups (can fit about 16 depending on your activity) or group individual sessions together in a day or so and share the cost with another aquatic collegue.
Hatley, QC
Action Physio +
Indoor Pool (86 degrees), which could be possible for some group activites, but not warm enough for longer private therapeutic sessions. You can contact here for any other contacts in this area.
Trois-Rivieres, QC
If you have a pool to rent or know of one, please send a message to add your contact.
We are ALWAYS looking for places to bring aquatic bodywork to our community and for our students to work!
Let's keep the network growing!