Cours Antérieures
Nous travaillons ensemble pour accroître la conscience de soi

L'eau étoilée
September 21, 2021

Join us on this magical evening in the water together. The moon will be almost in peak illumination as we tune into the flow of water within. We will open the water circle with prayers and meditation. Movement games and aqua yoga postures will be explored, followed by free flow aquadance before closing the circle to leave refreshed and ready to sleep like a baby! The indoor salt-water pool will be heated to 95 degrees for our gathering.
If you want to stay over at Sur les Toits du Monde, rooms are available: https://www.surlestoitsdumondespa.com/hebergementchambre
Private sessions are possible also on Sept 29 and 30th.

Retraite des femmes : Essence : Les quatre éléments
July 30, 2021
2 days

Women have always come together to share this unique medicine that makes us visionaries, revolutionaries, warriors, healers, artisans, natural leaders and bearers of humanity. By connecting ourselves to the elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air, we will travel with these 4 forces which each carry a sacred character and a unique power. The retreat will take place in a magical and enchanting setting located on the highest mountain in Ste-Catherine-de-Hatley. This transformative place, created and nourished with love for several years, has the mandate to bring together the different forms of medicine and support humans in their evolution.
Organized by Marie-C. Labbé: integral coach. founder of the group 'Women celebrating Women'. For the last 20 years, she has co-hosted and facilitated different types of Circles, workshops or training courses. Her services include, among others, 1:1 Transformation Coaching, group facilitation and Women's Workshops/Retreats.
🌏 JESSICA DÉNEREAU: Facilitator of authentic relational games and 🌏 SAULE MOISAN: Guardian of the sacred
🌬 SARAH SURRENDERS: Vibrational Alignment and Sound Healing Mentor, Vocal Doula and Empowerment Coach
💧 JENNIE ANSTEY: Aquatic osteopathy
🔥 MARIE-ANNE CORNALUNE: Circus and fire artist

Méthode ELDOA Soins de la colonne vertébrale
January 5, 2021
Dimanches 9-10am

The ELDOA method is Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation Stretching. Its a fabulous way to open the whole myofascial network of the body and create space within the articulations, particularly in the spine. When practiced over time these special postures can help prevent back pain, inflammation and disc degeneration for example. These exercises are important to maintain the postural integrity of the body and maximize your vitality and well-being.
2021: Sundays 9-10am @Pilates Precision: 51 Westminster, Montreal W., QC

Vers la fluidité
August 16, 2020
& Sept 8, 2020: 11:30am-1:30pm

Fluidity is part of our true nature. When we practice yoga, we are yoking heaven and earth within our bodies, surrendering our structure to the elements, and aligning our personal will with the divine blueprint. We invite you to this special workshop where we will begin with a Vinyasa Yoga practice with Audi on the grass outside. He seamlessly interweaves energetic flow, prana-life force, and Kabalah universal wisdom to support an uplifting and complete yoga practice.
The second part of the workshop will be in the warm, salt-water pool, (90+degrees) guided by Jennie in an aquatic mobility experience. In the water, we will start with breath practices to prepare our underwater work in apnea. We will practice full exhaling to residual lung volume to sink and mobilize the lungs to help them access their full capacity. This is very important in these times where we really need to take care of our lungs. We will introduce undulations to feel the standing wave in the body. This relates to the cerebrospinal fluid and biomechanics of Primary Respiration, the basis of osteopathy. Then we will practice asanas standing, floating and at the bottom of the pool, both unassisted and assisted with the pool wall and pool noodles. Savasana will bring us into deep surrender within our fluid body in a brief aquatic sound bath. After our closing circle, we will serve you a fresh-pressed green juice including garden plants for detox and rehydration.
Audi Gozlan: www.KabalahYoga.com, https://www.youtube.com/user/KabalahYoga
Audi is the founder of Kabalah Yoga®, a unique style of Vinyasa Yoga. He is also an assistant to international yoga teacher Shiva Rea. His classes are a mix of meditation, celebration and sacred movement. He teaches regularly in Montreal and travels internationally offering workshops, retreats and master classes that blends ancient universal wisdom with the practice of yoga as a flow of body and soul. He is the author of three DVD's- "Kabalah Yoga: Awakening Your Soul", "Mystic Flow: The Chakra-Sefirot Connection"and a third, "Kabalah Yoga: The 22 Sacred Shapes Flows+Energizing Salutations+Meditations”. He is the host of "Kabalah Yoga", a popular television series as well as "Audi's Body Flow" on Zoomer TV, JOY TV and on ONE, The Mind, Body and Spirit Channel. Audi is also the author of a new yoga book "Kabalah Yoga-Embodying the Hidden Power of the Sacred Hebrew Letters".
Jennie Anstey. D.O. : www.jennieanstey.com
Working in Pilates with a rehabilitation focus for more than 10 years, she later graduated in Osteopathy, which uses the innate forces of nature as a manual medicine and harmonizes the biorhythms of the human body. She has also been trained in Soul-Level Therapy& Spiritual Psychology, ELDOA, Aquatic Craniosacral, AquaHara, Dolphin Dance and Aquatic Bodywork, Massage Aqua-Veechi and AquaMouvance (SubDance, AquaYoga, Wave Training). She also completed a 3 year professional program in Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies and continues to study the effects of sound and light on human physiology. In addition to her private practice, she gives classes, workshops and conferences to the public on Aquatic Osteopathy, Embryology and Craniosacral Principles.

Soirée AquaDance
July 24, 2020

Come and enjoy the warm waters for an aquadance improv flow after sundown. The evening brings us gently into the slow relaxing vibration of the water. This is a chance to enjoy fresh air outside while saying warm in the 95 degree, heated, salt-water. Move, submerge and relax!

Rêver éveillé : Cercles de partage
October 29, 2019

This is a community sharing circle, where you can come to share what you are going through, your challenges, your dreams, your sucesses and your failures. Our experiences often need visibilty to be integrated. Listening to the collective experiences brings us out of our 'little me' and helps us see the patterns which human family experiences together. I will facilitate a short sound meditation so that our gathering can send prayers outwards in a gift of global service.
Sustaining us in the colder months of the year is warmth. Warmth that we cultivate inside ourselves and that we give out to others when we meet and listen to each other. Of course a cup of warm tea in your hands and bellies is also a wonderful comfort! I'll also be sharing some teas from my garden which I have lovingly nutured all summer long to be harvested and shared with you all in these times. Bring a cozy pillow to sit on.
2017: Jan 24, Feb 21, March 21, Oct 22, Nov 17
2018: Jan 14, Feb 11, March 11, Oct 21, Nov 18
2019: April 30, Oct 29 2020: Dec 10

Immersion dans l'eau, le souffle et le son
July 24, 2019

This is an aquatic discovery workshop with group movements, breathing meditation, partnered exercises, toning and sound experiences in the water. Come and experience this blissful work together. The pool will be heated extra warm for this work (95 degrees Watsu-type heat), so you can fully relax. You'll need a bathing suit, towel and noseplugs.

Starlight Spa: Aqualounge
June 22, 2019
$20 to support the space and the musicians

Welcome to evenings to gather under the stars together. Come to unwind with live music and enjoy the warm pool, heated to 95 degrees. You can lounge, submerge and flow, enjoying the magnificence of being in a human body, and the freedom of the water medium. We invite you to relax and enjoy this community event! Candles will flicker their fire, meditative music will soothe and serenade us. Herbal drinks are included, highlighting the plants grown in the garden. We honour our Great Mother for her abundance to feed us her medicine, and we know the greatest medicine is the unique presence of each person. There will be the option of receiving aquatic bodywork in these evenings if you would like to explore that extra in a session. The contact e-mail of the aquatic bodyworker present each evening is listed so you can book that directly with them for a small extra fee.
June 22, 2019
Music: Harpist Hannah Brockow
Aquatic Bodywork: Jennie Anstey (jennieanstey@gmail.com)
July 12:
Music: Angélica Naràkuri
Wataflow: Marianne Derycke (mariannederycke@gmail.com)
July 26:
Music: Rafaelle Mackay
Aquatic Bodywork: Jodie Duplesia (letempledo@gmail.com)
Aug 9:
Music: Jennifer Gasoi
Aquatic Bodywork: Wataflow:Jovana Abroad (jovana@sorormystica.ca)
Music: Melinda Kinzie
Aquatic Bodywork: Jennie Anstey
Music: Megh Riley
Aquatic Bodywork: Jennie Anstey

Apapacho Urban Retreat : une journée de soins
June 21, 2019

Our lives spin faster and faster, and there are few moments to refuel, replenish and regroup. We are often overwhelmed, managing deadlines, families and our own journeys within. We created Apapacho because we want to offer a space for you to let go, be taken care of fully. We will gather in circle sharing, in the summer months you can lounge around the warm salt-water pool and garden, take a yoga or movement class, enjoy lunch together, enjoy some group bodywork, an aquatic workshop, then close the day back in circle with music and integration.
"In my early 20's, I read the book "El Albergue de las Mujeres Tristes" by Marcela Serrano. It affected me deeply and set an intention in my young heart for build community in my own way for the women "in my village" to find respite and a restful place to regroup. Almost 25 years later, I am a mother of two, and I work as a doula, supporting and witnessing the intense transformational energy of birth and motherhood. I have been blessed with the gift of community, and sisters like Jennie to walk the path with me and share the joys and hardships. It has been our greatest passion to co-create a space in which women can come and simply rest and be taken care of. To be "apapachadas" as my Mamama used to say: nurtured, fed, massaged, tucked in. We are happy to share our offering with full hearts, sharing our experience, our skills and love with the community."- Millie
June 21, July 10, 2019
Hosted by Millie Tresierra, homeopath, naturopath and doula & Jennie Anstey, osteopath
Guest Yoga Teacher on July 10th: Clearlight Gerald

Illuminatrice : La Dame de la Lumière et les Sept Étoiles
March 30, 2018

Join us for a Sound and Meditative Visionary Journey in the Crypt of La Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours to attune to your inner knowing. This Gnostic Path is the 'Inner Church', where we are inspired by the guiding light to reveal the mysteries as we are ready to receive them. May we meet again in this way, honouring all beings which have held this knowing deep within on the path to true freedom. Beyond any religious dogma, differences and oppositions we honour our own androgynous being, the principle of darkness and light and the integration of the dualistic nature of all life.
We gather close to a pyramidal mound which 3000 years prior to the arrival of the colonists, was documented to be a regular visiting place of the native peoples. What other clues do we find in this City of Ville-Marie, dedicated to Mary: The Mother of all Mothers? Who is this Lady of Light who wears a crown of seven stars? What do you remember about the seven sisters, Sirius, the Pleiades, the indigenous gardens with seven seeds, the Kabbalastic seven heavens and the creation legends? Why is the statue of Stella Maris, the Star of the Sea, on top of the church standing on a dome of fish scales? What is her connection to the Essenes of Mount Carmel and Isis where we have a clue of the life-giving mother descending on earth to open the narrow path to heaven? What is a Templar stone doing in the Crypt of the Chapelle de Notre-Dame-de Bonsecours? Have you seen the wooden Black Madonna and child with miraculous healing powers, reportedly carved from a millennial-old oak tree visited by the Celts and Druids? So many clues weave together in this place.
We remember our human history from the inside: from our cellular memories, our DNA encodings, and the great inner libraries in the earth, stones, bones and cosmos. We can connect directly to the deepest truths of life here on earth. How powerful this can be to do this together. Let the stones and energies of the sacred land beneath us, be combined with the celestial energies from our star family origins. The union of heaven and earth is a living process within us.
Facilitators: Jennie Anstey and Melinda Kinzie: eternal students of the mysteries they met during their 3 year Shamanic Sound Healing Program in Vermont, USA with Zacciah Blackburn at The Center of Light. They have come together for this event each having dedicated decades of study and teaching of transformational work, energy medicine & spirituality.

Série d'ateliers de yoga et d'ostéopathie
March 18, 2018
2 heures

Craniosacral Principles, Alignment and Flow
Join us on your mat with with Yoga Teachers each month and Jennie Anstey, DO
We will be attuning to the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid during the workshop. Working in the conjunction with the spiralling nature of the connective tissue in the body arising from these tidal forces, we feel the vibrational nature of life force: Primary Respiration. When people can feel and find this fluid nature within themselves, they can enter more deeply in the asanas without strain. This brings us closer to the other limbs of yoga to which we aspire within our consciousness. The process of union within the self, in harmony with all nature, is the meaning of yoga: ‘to yoke’ or unite the polarities. The ascending and descending forces in the body seek this balance. It is stated that the highest stage in yoga is reached when the vital air passes through the sushumna, the central channel. This is referenced in osteopathy when we observe the transmutation of the cerebrospinal fluids occuring in a centered field of dynamic stillness. Join us for yoga class and osteopathic hands-on alignment! Your guides for these workshops in 2018 will be:
Mar 14th 12:30@ Shri Yoga with Dominic Tambuzzo
4846 Sherbrooke Street West,Suite 101, Westmount
Apr 3rd 6pm @Lotus Palm Thai Yoga with Tony Eng
5244 Saint Urbain, Montreal, Quebec
Shizu Okada will be providing sound relaxation during this class.
Apr 15th 3pm @Yoga on the Park with Michel Rokem Negev
5582 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal
May 6th 10am @L'esprit Sport Rehab with Brandee Safran
5311 boul.de Maisonneuve O., Montreal
May 23th 10am @ Equilibrium Yoga with Jenny Berthiaume
4812 boul.St. Laurent, #101(corner Villeneuve) Montreal
June 13th 1pm @my Pool with Carole Dion (AquaYoga)
6614 Parkview, Cote.St. Luc
Sep 16th 11:30 @ Yoga on the Park with Philippa Woolley
5582 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal
Oct 4th 7:30pm @ Equilibrium Yoga with Audi Gozlan
4812 boul.St. Laurent, #101(corner Villeneuve) Montreal
Nov 11th 3pm @TBA with Amy Samsonovitch

Origine: La Loba
November 24, 2017
Du vendredi 18h au dimanche 16h

Legends are said to contain the secrets of the ancient feminine mysteries around the archetype of the Wild Woman, which is defined as the "Instinctual Self", metaphorized in the image of the she-wolf, addressing all women being the Tribe of the Earth. I am honoured to be teaching at this weekend of ceremony, celebration and gathering of women. Join us for aquatic experience to connect us with the water, the womb, our earliest memories and maternal connection. This weekend is packed with offerings from women each walking their unique path.

Escapade au spa Aquamar
November 1, 2017

Aquamar Spa Get-Away! We will be at Hotel St.Christophe in Granby, Quebec from Nov.1-2nd, 2017. If you would like to experience aquatic bodywork we are offering discovery Aquahara sessions of 30 minutes ($50) between 7:30-9:30pm on Nov.1st. E-mail to confirm your session or just come and hang out under the stars in the warm pool! If you would like to stay overnight, we can guide you to get an extra special rate including breakfast, 5-course dinner, chocolate fondu and port, neurospa-chromotherapy experience and nordic spa entry for only $150 per person (double occupancy). You can book you session with either Jennie Anstey or Pablo Diconca.

AquaFlow Danse Jam
July 29, 2017

The water is our first medium of growth and suspension and when we merge back into the water we contact memories with prenatal movement patterns. We will gather in circle with an opening meditation with breath and pratice deeper fluid body states above and below the water with a dance- contact flow. Solomon and Jennie bring their experience and joy of facilitating movement explorations together and are looking foward to the soundscape Dominic will create for us.
Solomon Krueger, founder and organizer of Flow Dance and Flow Lab, is a designer of transformational experiences. He guides people to create greater alignment between their current reality and their life path via deep listening, body-awareness, and intuitive processes.
Dominic Gregorio is Associate Professor of Music at the University of Regina, leading a graduate program in Choral Conducting, teaching voice, and developing courses in Creative Technology. He is interested in technology to augment the solo voice, and multidisciplinary performance breaking down the walls between classical and popular idiom vocal technique.

Janzu AquaFlow Basic
June 23, 2017
3 h

Janzu is a healing journey back to the divine self! You will rediscover your relationship with the element of water, and you will have a completely new understanding in the art of giving and receiving. Janzu, or peaceful river, is a holistic healing therapy developed first in India and then brought to Mexico. On a physical level, the body receives a wonderful and fluid journey.
Teaching will be Sol Naciente, here in Quebec with us from Mexico for a short time and you won't want to miss this opportunity to connect with all that he shares with the Janzu, Aquatic Bodywork and Liquid Flow Community. Song, music, contact dance, movement aquatic flow and circle gathering will strengthen our aquatic tribe! Sol Naciente (Richard Dion) is a master of Janzu. He was trained under the founder of Janzu himself (Juan Pathik Villatoro), and he has been practicing Janzu for over 15 years. He does trainings, workshops, contact improv, AcroYoga, aerial silks and brings music and movement wherever he goes. We also welcome you to our AquaJam Water Dance, June 21rd 5:30-7:30pm: Solstice Celebration.

Retraite Explorations Aquatiques
May 19, 2017
19 mai 4:00PM -21 mai 4:00PM

This is an invitation for a journey together in a weekend retreat to experience blissful care in the water, exploring aquatic osteopathy, and other bodywork. We will be giving and recieving from each other in a warm pool, practicing holds both above and below the water. You can come on your own or as a couple and no experience in any therapeutic modality is necessary. Just a willingness to dive inwards. In the water there is no hiding, just transparency of self. Emotions can surface and be felt so easily in the water. This work is tender, vunerable and will open your heart like never before. It will be held in a womb-like setting at the indoor pool at Spa Sur les Toits du Monde. We will be heating it extra warm for this work (95 degrees Watsu-type heat), so you can fully relax. There is also a sauna and hot tub at the spa on your free time to enjoy! Accomodation and meals will be taken care of by our hosts so you can leave your cares behind and give this gift to yourself and to the planet, honoring all the waters of the earth, which nourishes you every day of your life.
Facilitators: Jennie Anstey, DO & Pablo Diconca (Yoga teacher, dancer, actor, filmmaker with over 20 years experience in various somatic modalities). Together we will bring together our training in AquaHara as well as Dolphin Dance, Aquatic Osteopathy, cranio-sacral principles and the embryonic freedom of the water body. We may explore the use of group toning and sound tools (tuning forks and bowls) in the water as well.
May 19-21st and Sept. 22-24th, 2017
Nov 18-20, 2018

Sound Concert ERSM Fundraiser
May 9, 2017
7:00 PM-9:00 PM

Crystal Bowl, Digeridoo and Glass Instruments Concert
with Maurice Charlebois, Nicola Mainville, Gisèle Deslières
Come and enjoy a sound healing concert with invited guests. Maurice and Giséle have been working with crystal bowls for many years and their work can activate the body, mind and soul through the symphony of vibrations created by many frequencies. Nicola makes all of his own instruments including digeridoo, crystalophones, drums and other innovative instruments. A preview of hIs unique work can be found here.
This meditative concert is not to be missed!! You can enjoy the experience lying down if you wish, so bring a mat, cushions or whatever you need to be comfortable. This is listening with the whole body! The concert is also fundraiser for the school.

Flow Vibrations : mouvement, danse et guérison sonore
March 18, 2017
7:00 PM- 10:00PM

All is vibration! Say YES to the natural movement within yourself and spark the deeper surrender into the vibratory expression of life itself. Come and flow, move, listen, make noise, dance, shake, play, be silly and delight to be fully and vibrantly alive! Bring your child-like heart of innocence to discover what wants to move inside of you.
We will have a chance to greet others in the space in playful dance and flow, as well as create some group sound experiences to flow rhythmically together. We will finish with a calming sound bath including crystal bowls, tuning forks, and chimes at the end to rest and integrate. Closing the circle, everyone will get a chance to harmonize with group toning and share their experience.
Facilitators: Jennie Anstey and Solomon Krueger. Solomon is a catalyst for the discovery of new pathways via liberating spaces for authentic expression and deeper connections, using inquiry, improvisation, embodiment, and interactive practices.

Flow Vibrations : mouvement, danse et guérison sonore
January 21, 2017
7:00 PM- 10:00PM

Say YES to the natural movement within yourself and spark the deeper surrender into the vibratory expression of life itself. Come and flow, move, listen, make noise, dance, shake, play, be silly and delight to be fully and vibrantly alive! Bring your child-like heart of innocence to discover what wants to move inside of you. We will have a chance to greet others in the space in playful dance, as well as create some group sound experiences to flow rhythmically together. We will finish with a calming sound bath including crystal bowls, tuning forks, and chimes at the end to rest and integrate. Closing the circle, everyone will get a chance to harmonize with group toning and share their experience.
Facilitators: Jennie Anstey and Solomon Krueger. Solomon is a catalyst for the discovery of new pathways via liberating spaces for authentic expression and deeper connections, using inquiry, improvisation, embodiment, and interactive practices.

Un voyage tactile et sonore nourrissant
November 26, 2016
12:30 PM-4:30 PM

In the darker days of fall it's a time to deeply enter within. The joy of being of service to another and the chance to open and simply recieve will be facilitated through partnered bodywork and a soundscape we will create together. We will meet in circle to greet each other, partner up and received a guided, unwinding session of nurturing touch . Then we will create soothing harmonic sounds for integration and to weave our work into the more subtle fields of the body. There is no need for any bodywork, musical experience or ability, as the instuments we will use will be very simple: first our hands and whole body, then rattles, crystal bowls, tibetan bowls, bells, chimes, drums, and if you would like, simple toning with your own voice. The workshop will conclude back in circle to share our experiences and culminate in a last harmonic tune-in and tune-up!
Over the last few years, have been bringing the principles of osteopathy to group settings and combining sound to allow us to go deeper in self-realization. Zacciah Blackburn at The Center of Light in Vermont, is my dear teacher and guide in this work. The study of cymatics teaches us how sound structures matter and when we apply conscious touch with sound we awaken very simply to the vibrational nature of all things. Through sound vibrations we can literally create our physical reality. This is useful to know when we are going through any chaos in our life...it is simply life re-organizing to a higher vibrational state. We will use this wisdom to shift our awareness to a new state of being. In the symphony of giving and recieving in harmony with all life, this class is a chance to take care of each other. The medicine is within you. You carry it. Show up and share who you really are.

Flow Bliss Sound Healing
November 5, 2016
7:00 PM- 10:00PM

Nourish yourself with sound healing, movement and dance meditation, and healing touch. We invite you to experience an evening of caring for your mind, body, heart and soul, revitalizing our whole being, and giving expression to what is alive within. We will start with a beautiful sound bath, with high vibrational music and healing energy by Jennie Anstey. The focus will be feeling into the liquid light field of the body and the continuum of flow between us all. We will slowly transition to a gentle movement meditation, to circulate the energy throughout the body as we feel how these tides can move us. Then, we will transition from an individual practice to a relational practice that fully honours oneself and the other, with deep caring, connection, and respect. This will be an opportunity for creative energy exchanges through presence, healing touch, affection, play, and movement with others. Solomon will facilitate exercises for heart-based sharing.
Facilitators: Jennie Anstey and Solomon Krueger. Solomon is passionate about personal and social transformation. He specializes in creating unique events, using an intuitive process to help facilitate mind-body awareness, authentic connection, and creative self-expression. In addition to 12 years of experience, he holds a Masters in Human Systems Intervention from Concordia University.

Playshops aquatiques d'une journée 2016
July 28, 2016
10:00 AM-4:00 PM

Calling all mermaids, water creatures and brave explorers of the oceans within....A full day to play, immerse yourself in an aquatic experience. You will learn some techniques and partnering work in the water. This is a chance to explore a therapeutic process and explore formative patterns. We will open the group circle together in my garden, warm up on land, explore in the water, have a nutritious lunch together (it's included in the price) and go back in the water for more. We will have a closing circle to integrate and share our experiences together and bask in the sun.
July 28th and August 24, 2016
10am Opening Circle, Group Warmups
11am Breathwork, Meditation of the Breath of Life and Aquatic Introduction
1pm Lunch (Treats from my garden included...let me know if you have any dietary restrictions)
2pm Aquatic Immersion, holds, techniques, above and below the surface
3:30pm Closing Circle and sharing of the aquatic journey

Atelier : Yeux de Lumière
May 14, 2016
1:30 PM-3:30 PM

The eyes are the gateway to the soul. This week we will caring for our eyes. We will be working with the cranial bones which make up the orbit, the membranes which cover the eyes, and practicing specific eye exercises which you can then continue to practice at home and outside with the sun. I will also be talking about the importance on light frequencies which the eyes and the skin take in and how they affect your metabolism and hormonal balance. In this age of artificial lights, screens and devices, what is your relationship with the sun? What about the benefits of submerging to darkness, the void, the great mother, and the energies of the moon? The body is a rainbow, ready to illuminate from the inside out! Come experience osteopathy, sound healing and group toning, aromatherapy and crystal mandalas. There is a small portion of this workshop where we may work with a neighbouring partner, so come ready and available to give and receive. Feeling the embryological breathing at a cellular level of expansion and contraction is both hydrating and detoxing the body, and allows us to merge the spirit, mind and body in this vibration of formlessness and form.

Ateliers Ostéopathie et Son 2016
May 8, 2016
1:00 PM-3:00 PM

The next workshop at Shri Yoga will be a deeply restorative self-osteopathy class. It's Mother's Day and we will be honouring our biological mothers, spiritual mothers or any mothering energy which you have experienced in your life and would like to reconnect with. The field of 'mother' is everywhere in all things, the great void and invisible substrate of existence. We will be feeling into the cerebrospinal fluids which first arose from the amniotic fluid captured inside the body in your embryonic days, bathing the nervous system. We will do some warm-up exercises, and then various restorative positions as we work with the fluid fields in and around the body. To assist this process, i will share my experience in sound healing, pilates teacher and osteopath also incorporating group toning, aromatherapy and crystals. You are invited to bring a small flower for the central altar adorning the flower mandala created for the occasion.
I want to teach these classes to show how to improve your flexibility and take a yoga practice for example to the next level without force or strain. In fact, this work teaches us to 'by-pass' stretching and go straight to a level of flux in the molecular bonding of your own water molecules, and surrending to deeper tidal forces. Taking special care of the vital structure of the human spine to improves joint mechanics and muscle tone, increases blood flow, reduces pressure on the inter-vertebral discs, restores neurological function and assists hormonal balance. You can take this work into your life in practical ways to assist your well-being on many levels. Feeling the embryological breathing at a cellular level of expansion and contraction is both hydrating and detoxing the body, and allows us to merge the spirit, mind and body in this vibration of formlessness and form.
This workshop is appropiate for all levels, and an invitation within for an inner journey. The fluids in the body are purified, the spine is hydrated and aligned. Crystal bowls, tibetian bowls, drums, tuning forks, bells, chimes, tingshas, flute and our voices may be used. Let me guide you into more subtle realms of your physiology to deepen your inter-connectedness from the quantum to cosmic scale.
June 5th, May 8th, 2016
If you can't attend this one and are interested in other classes, I start april 20th for 5 weeks a Wednesday class 12:15-1:15pm other osteopathy and sound classes.
Location: Shri Yoga
4846 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Corner Victoria, Westmount

Concert sonore: bols en cristal et instruments en verre, collecte de fonds pour l'école ERSM
April 26, 2016
7:00 PM-9:00 PM

Come and enjoy a sound healing concert with invited guests, Maurice Charlebois, GIséle Desliéres and Nicole Mainville. Maurice and Giséle have been working with crystal bowls for many years and their work can activate the body, mind and soul through the symphony of vibrations created by many frequencies. Nicola makes all of his own instruments including digeridoo, crystalophones, drums and other innovative instruments. A preview of hIs unique work can be found here. This meditative concert is not to be missed!! You can enjoy the experience lying down if you wish, so bring a mat, cushions or whatever you need to be comfortable. This is listening with the whole body! The concert is also fundraiser for the school.

Voyage vers le Stillness : Auto-ostéopathie et son
April 20, 2016
12:15 PM-1:15 PM (5 week session)
$90 for 5-week series, or $20 Drop-in when registered in advance

The weekly themes of osteopathic and ancient wisdom traditions will be presented. These classes can be enjoyed by anyone. We spend so much time focused on the outer world and it's activities and that we sometimes forget that all that we see and experience is birthed from the magnificence within. When we take the time to listen and experience our inner workings, not only can we heal our own bodies, but we contribute in service to the collective. If you need to set some time aside to meditate and tune inwards, this class is for you.
Spring 2016 will focus on organ regeneration and liberation of the inner pharmacy:
April 20th The Caduceus: A Physiological Principle to Harmonize and Align
April 27th Bone Marrow and Spleen: Red Blood Cells and the Vortex of Life in relation to the Breath of Life
May 4th Cranial Osteopathy, Optimal Brain Function and Endorphin Production
May 11th Embryology of Sexual Organs and Urinary Tract: Polarity and Common Origins in Male and Female Biology
May 18th Caring for your Eyes and Skin: Transduction of light for hormone balance and healthy metabolism (with the overwhelming demand for this class, I am offering it again...)
We will create the time and space to practice some of the postures to create space in the spine, then explore the more subtle inherent movements in the body. These physiologic processes of expansion and contraction can bring bio-rhythms back into harmony when experienced from a deep, heart-centered place. Everyone is welcome, and my regular clients will find that this work can even replace some one-on-one osteopathic sessions due to a deeper awareness and process for self-healing. It can also completely transform the practice of yoga, dance or any sport as it shifts physical barriers of resistance.

Soirées de Sonothérapie à Ananda OM
January 9, 2016
6:30 PM-9:30 PM

Join us for several sound healing evenings in a beautiful, high vibrational Reiki healing space downtown. The physical body is directly connected to wisdom from all planes of our existence and untapped technology is embedded within our biology. In the segment of the evening that I will be faciliting, we will be entraining to the craniosacral rythym and longer tidal rythyms. When the central nervous system can downshift to attune with these fluidic biorythyms we can access the field of our Health which is not affected by stress, trauma or our life history. Together, Brana Giancristofaro and Sarah Turner and Jennie Anstey will be guiding several themes and practices to release stuck energies, revitalize and recharge.
GM Brana is a spiritual teacher and the founder of AnandaOm, an academy for self-development and holistic wellness. Born with natural capabilities to harmonize subtle energies, she uses this gift to assist her students in their personal evolution to enable them to reach their full potential and harmony. Brana’s formal education background is in science and business. She holds a Master of Science degree in biomedical engineering and has held several successful advisory roles in both independent and global companies. She integrates this wealth of experience, knowledge and her natural capabilities to create a powerful synergy of wisdom plus love energy to be used for both healing and self-empowerment.
Sarah Turner will be collorborating with her presence and skills as a sound healer. Journey in a safe and sacred space. Allow the sounds, frequencies, vibrations and energy move through you; melting away stress and tension. Help yourself rebalance, and relax. Sound healing, is an extremely powerful and non-intrusive way to release emotional trauma and reduce physical pain. Instruments used may be Tibetan Singing Bowls, Bells, Tingshas, Space Drum, Native American Drum, Rattle, voice and chanting of sacred mantras and songs.
Jan.9th, Feb.27, April 30th, June 24th, 2016

Atelier Corps Divin : Incarnation complète par le mouvement et la méditation sonore guidée
October 25, 2015
1:30 PM-3:30 PM
$ 40

These workshops will be a great workout, followed by a restorative guided meditation. Pilates, strength training, stretching, ELDOA and a sound bath are all in one event! We will move fully into all parts of the body from the tip of the nose to the baby toes with fluid movements and exercises.
Taking special care of the vital structure of the human spine to improves joint mechanics and muscle tone, increases blood flow, reduces pressure on the inter-vertebral discs, restores neurological function and assists hormonal balance. I want to teach these classes to show how to improve your flexibility and take a yoga practice for example to the next level without force or strain. Feeling the embryological breathing at a cellular level of expansion and contraction is both hydrating and detoxing the body, and allows us to merge the spirit, mind and body in this vibration of formlessness and form.

Les marées intérieures : entraînement aux biorythymes fluidiques
September 27, 2015
6:00 PM-9:00 PM
$199 for the weekend, $111 Sunday or $44 for one workshop

This workshop is part of the Conscious Heart Conference. Drawing upon my professional training as an Osteopath, Pilates teacher, Sound Healer and eternal student of ancient wisdom traditions join me to explore your potential for full embodiment. What is happening in your life at this time? Could any pain, stress or chaos be a gateway for greater awareness? The physical body is directly connected to wisdom from all planes of our existence and untapped technology is embedded within our biology. We will be entraining to the craniosacral rythym and longer tidal rythyms. When the central nervous system can downshift to attune with these fluidic biorythyms we can access the field of our Health which is not affected by stress, trauma or our life history. This class will include exercises and bring us fully into all parts of the body from the tip of the nose to the baby toes with fluid movements and exercises in resonance with innate biorhythms. We will take care of the vital structure of the human spine.
We will also enter a guided sound meditation. These practices can help overtake the cognition which normally informs us, so we can shift perspectives. When we can soften, open and release all that no longer serves us, we clarify our field and awaken our truth. Centering ourselves gets us in touch with a dynamic stillness which is immovable itself yet moves all things. We will be working as a group mandala, interweaving our hearts with the heart of the earth and the heart of the cosmos. Everyone’s presence can be of service to the benefit of all. Dive into more subtle realms of your physiology to deepen your inter-connectedness from the quantum to cosmic scale. The fluids in the body are purified, the spine is hydrated and aligned. Come and discover the expansive nature of your inner space through sound and guided meditation.

Atelier Ostéopathie et Son : Incarnation complète et méditation sonore guidée
September 20, 2015
1:30 PM-3:30 PM

This next workshop at Shri Yoga will be a deeply restorative self-osteopathy class, focusing on the spiral forces within the bones themselves, the wisdom of the bone marrow, the red blood cells, the connection between heme and chlorophyll, hence deep medicine for anemia and your overall energy level. The sound frequencies we will also be exploring are specific to the forces within which help light metabolism and biochemical cascades in the cells. But you don't have to understand a thing I say, you can just come and delight in deep relaxation and nurturing. Osteopathy with hands-on care, sound healing and group toning, aromatherapy and crystal mandalas... all in one event! These classes help to improve your flexibility and take a yoga practice for example to the next level without force or strain. In fact, this work teaches us to 'by-pass' stretching and go straight to a level of flux in the molecular bonding of your own water molecules, and surrending to deeper tidal forces.
Taking special care of the vital structure of the human spine improves joint mechanics, muscle tone, blood flow and reduces pressure on the inter-vertebral discs, restoring neurological function. Feeling the embryological breathing at a cellular level of expansion and contraction is both hydrating and detoxing the body, and allows us to merge the spirit, mind and body in this vibration of formlessness and form.
This workshop is appropiate for all levels, and an invitation for an inner journey. The fluids in the body are purified, the spine is hydrated and aligned. Crystal bowls, tibetian bowls, drums, tuning forks, bells, chimes, tingshas, flute and our voices may be used. Let me guide you into more subtle realms of your physiology to deepen your inter-connectedness from the quantum to cosmic scale.

Voyage vers l'immobilité : la sagesse des organes
September 9, 2015
12:15 PM-1:15 PM
$90 for 5-week series, or $20 Drop-in when registered in advance

Fall 2015
Sept.9th The Importance of Your Cerebro-Spinal Fluid: Alchemical Waters
Sept.16th The Placenta as a Universal Organ: Using your umbilical connection for organ regeneration
Sept.23rd The Digestive System: Receiving, Transforming, Absorption and Elimination
Sept.30th Liver, Gall Bladder, Kidneys: Filtration and Purification
Oct.7th The Heart is More Than a Pump: Coherence and Creation
Oct.14th Caring for your Eyes and Skin: Transduction of light for hormone balance and healthy metabolism
These classes are like a self-osteopathy session and a chance to experience your inner physician and healer. We will create the time and space to practice some of the postures to create space in the spine, then explore the more subtle, inherent movements in the body. These physiologic processes of expansion and contraction can bring bio-rhythms back into harmony when experienced from a deep, heart-centered place. Everyone is welcome, and my regular clients will find that this work can even replace some one-on-one osteopathic sessions due to a deeper awareness and process for self-healing. It can also completely transform the practice of yoga, dance or any sport as it shifts physical barriers of resistance.

Voyage vers Stillness : tous les royaumes
April 29, 2015
12:15 PM-1:15 PM
$90 for 5-week series, or $20 Drop-in when registered in advance

Winter 2015:
April 29th The Mineral Realm: Lithotherapy and your crystalline biology
May 6th The Plant Realm: Weaving relationship with plant wisdom
May 13th The Animal Realm: Listening to your animal spirit helpers for guidance
May 20th The Human Kingdom: The weaving of all within
May 27th The Liquid Light of the Cerebrospinal Fluid: The potency of the Breath of Life as the light of intelligence
This class is like a self-osteopathy session and a chance to experience your inner physician and healer. We will create the time and space to practice some of the postures to create space in the spine, then explore the more subtle inherent movements in the body. These physiologic processes of expansion and contraction can bring bio-rhythms back into harmony when experienced from a deep, heart-centered place. Everyone is welcome, and my regular clients will find that this work can even replace some one-on-one osteopathic sessions due to a deeper awareness and process for self-healing. It can also completely transform the practice of yoga, dance or any sport as it shifts physical barriers of resistance.

Journey to Stillness: Anatomie Subtle
September 17, 2014
12:15 PM-1:15 PM
$90 for 5-week series, or $20 Drop-in when registered in advance

Fall 2014:
The Physical, Fluid and Tidal bodies: Entrainment to deeper biorythyms
The Torodial Electro-Magnetic Field: Your Subtle Anatomy
Healing the Organs: Journey through Embryological Development
Healing the Joints: Accessing your Inner Pharmacy
Form and Formlessness: Welcoming Your Multi-Dimensional Self and the Blueprint Field
Come and discover the expansive nature of your inner space through sound and guided meditation. The best physican in town for you, is you!